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de 21.30 a 22.30 hrs
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1. Maciej
Malenczuk "Swieto Kobiet"
2. El Payaso (La Hora Chanante) "Vivo con tu madre"
3. The Libertines "Don't be shy"
4. DDT "Por culpa de ese licor"
5. Pixies "Tame"
6. Devo "Uncotrollable urge"
7. Vinicius de Moraes "Copa do mundo"
8. Johnny Tillotson "Poetry in motion"
9. The Kinks "Till the end of the day"
10. Queen "Lazing on a sunday afternoon"
11. Luis Aguilé "La chatunga"
12. Pink Martini "Anna (El Negro Zumbón)"
13. Travis "Hit me baby one more time" (Britney Spears cover)
14. Marlo, Claudio y El Loco de las Coles (La Hora Chanante) "Hijo
de puta hay que decirlo más"
15. Mr. T "Treat your mother right"
16. Los Crudos "That's right We're that spic band"
17. Los Planetas "De viaje"
18. Joy Division "Warsaw"
1. Lech Janerka "Rower", de "Plagiaty" (2004)
2. Afganistan Ye-ye's "Posa't el barret", del split
7 pulgadas con Afganistan Ye-ye's (Carnús Records, 2006) www.carnusrecords.tk
3. Afganistan Ye-ye's "Sword", del split 7 pulgadas
con Afganistan Ye-ye's (Carnús Records, 2006)
4. Joaquín Talismán "El gallinero del cielo",
adelanto de su nuevo disco "El gallinero del cielo" www.joaquintalisman.com
5. The Seventhate "13 thirties", de "The Cooper
Test" (Tell me a riddle, 2005) www.myspace.com/theseventhate
6. Twisted Nails "What're you doing here?", de "Midriasi"
(Arindelle Records, 2005) www.go.to/twistednails
7. Los Bravos "La moto", de "Los Bravos" (1966)
8. AC/DC "Let me put my love into you", de "Back
in black" (ATCO Records, 1980)
9. The Lords of Altamont "Cyclone", de "Lord have
mercy" (Fargo Records, 2005)
10. Kiss "Plaster caster", de "Love gun" (Mercury
Records, 1977)
11. Manganzoides "Cucarachas voladoras", de "En
la ciudad del horror" (Caleta / Kolomo Producciones, 2002)
12. The Atomic Bitchwax "Dirty deeds done dirt cheap" (AC/DC
cover), de "Split blood" (I used to fuck people like you
un prison, 2002)
13. Thin Lizzy "Vagabond of the western world", de "Classic"
(The Decca Records, 1999)
14. Eric Clapton with John Mayall's Bluesbreakers "I'm your witchdoctor",
de "The Early Clapton Collection" (Castle Communications,
1. Manaam "Kochan ciê kochanie moje", de "LPIII"
2. Kante Pinreliko "Soy De Cartagena", de "Kante
Pinreliko" www.elavispero.net
3. Imodium "Nostrils", de "... and so: dodgen songs!"
(Vacation House Records, 2005) www.imodium.it
4. Parálisis Permanente "Autosuficiencia", de
"Autosuficiencia" (split ep con Gabinete Caligari ) (Tres cipreses,
5. Alaska Y Los Pegamoides "La rebelión de los electrodomésticos",
cara B del single "Bailando" (Hispavox, 1982)
6. Parálisis Permanente "Un Día En Texas", de
"Quiero ser santa" EP (Tres Cipreses, 1982)
7. Alaska y Los Pegamoides "Redrum", de "Grandes
éxitos" (Hispavox, 1982)
8. Alaska Y Los Pegamoides "El jardín", single
(Hispavox, 1982)
9. Parálisis Permanente "Quiero Ser Santa", de
"Quiero ser santa" EP (Tres Cipreses, 1982)
10. Parálisis Permanente "Esto No Es", de "El
acto" (Tres Cipreses, 1982)
11. Parálisis Permanente "Jugando A Las Cartas En El Cementerio",
de "El acto" (Tres Cipreses, 1982)
12. Alaska Y Los Pegamoides "Dan las doce", de "Mundo
indómito" (Subterfuge, 1998)
13. Parálisis Permanente "Sangre", de "Nacidos
para dominar" (single) (Tres Cipreses, 1983)
14. Seres Vacíos "Los celos se apoderan de mí",
de "Los celos se apoderan de mí" (maxi single) (1982)
15. Los Golfos "Que Pasa Contigo Tío" (fragmento),
de "¿Qué pasa contigo tío?" (RCA, 1976)
16. Toreros "Chicos De La Calle", de "After Ole"
(maxi single) (Nuevos Medios, 1983)
17. El Fary "El cuponazo" (fragmento), de "Ese
Fary" (Muxxic, 2002)
18. Alaska Y Los Pegamoides "Murciana Marrana", de la
BSO de Pepi, Luci, Bom y otras chicas del montón.
1. Maryla Rodowicz "Malgoska",
de "Ocean Niespokojny" (1972) www.marylarodowicz.pl
2. Persona "Slogan", de "Accident" (Bcore
Disc, 2006) www.bcoredisc.com
3. Primitive Reason "Shadow Man", de "The Firescroll"
(Kaminari Records, 2003) www.primitivereason.com
4. The Clockwork Ladies "Little Keyring", de "Demo"
5. Klaus & kinski "Ritmo de la noche", de "Demo"
(2006) www.myspace.com/klausandkinski
6. La Broma de Ssatan "Baila pogo sobre un nazi", de
"La Broma de Ssatan" (1982) www.labromadessatan.com
7. Hello Cuca "Rock del despertador", de "Gran
sur" (Rompepistas discos, 2005) www.rompepistas.com
8. The Appleseed Cast "Innocent vigilant ordinary", de
"Two conversations" (Aloud Music, 2003) www.theappleseedcast.com
9. Manta Ray "25 Sycomore", de "Manta Ray"
(Subterfue Records, 1995) www.mantaraysite.com
10. Nacho Vegas "Al norte del norte", de "Actos
Inexplicables" (BMG Ariola, 2001) www.limbostarr.com/nachovegas.html
11. Nosotrash feat. Nacho Vegas "Tres Tristes Tigres",
de "Popemas" (Elefant Records, 2002) www.nosotrash.es
12. Nacho Vegas "En el jardin de la duermevela", de
"Cajas de música difíciles de parar" (Limbo Starr,
13. Nacho Vegas "El hombre que casi conoció a Michi Panero",
de "Desaparezca aquí" (Limbo Starr, 2005)
14. Bunbury + Nacho
Vegas "Gang Bang", de
"Freak show" (EMI, 2005) www.enriquebunbury.com
1. Kasia Kowalska
de "Antidotum" (Universal Music, 2002) www.kasiakowalska.com.pl
2. Lordi "Hard Rock Hallelujah", de "Arockalypse"
(Drakkar, 2006) www.lordi.org
3. In the ears of children "Oh no! Conseguí lo que quería
(Like a dog calling a cat to go to a party)", de "Demo"
4. In the ears of children "Traje azul italiano de mierda (donde
vas drum 'n' bass?)", de "Demo" (2003)
5. Korper "Seattle storm", de "Demo" (2006)
6. The Grave Yacht Club "Rifleman" (adelanto de su primer
disco) www.myspace.com/thegraveyachtclub
7. Delorean "Soon", de "Into the plateau"
(Bcore Disc, 2006) www.deloreanrock.com
8. Los Tiki Phantoms "Kilauea", de "Demo Sessions"
(Trastienda Ediciones Virtuales / Bcore Disc, 2006) www.trastienda.org
9. Erantzun "Aske", del split 7 pulgadas con Afganistan
Ye-ye's (Carnús Records, 2006) www.mundurat.net/erantzun
10. The Thunderbolts "Getin out", de s/t" (Rock
on music, 2006) www.rockonmusic.net
11. The Hot Dogs! "Ain't smart (to hang 'round w/Rockers)",
de "III" (Rock on music, 2006) www.rockonmusic.net
12. (William) "Your own hero", de "Amplify the
cry" (Drawback Music / Tell me a riddle, 2006) www.tellmeariddle.tk
13. Lavodrama "Prefontaine", de "e.p." (Drawback
Music, 2006) www.myspace.com/lavodrama
14. Picore "e.t.s.2" (fragmento), de "La Postura
Perfecta" (Drawback Music, 2005) www.picore.tk
15. Staff "Tras mis pies", de "Tras mis pies"
(Drawback Music, 2006) www.quetalstaff.com
16. Los Wrayajos "Cabeza de veloci-raptor", de "Mi
ford fiesta rojo" (2006) www.loswrayajos.net
17. Link Wray & His Ray Men "Rumble", de "Rumble"
(Cadence, 1958) www.linkwraylegend.com
1. Vespertine "I refused", de
"Demo" (2005) www.myspace.com/vespertinecreation
2. The Kooks "Jackie Big Tits", de "Inside in /
Inside out" (Virgin, 2006) www.thekooks.co.uk
3. Doss "Get off (my skin)", de "Egometrie"
(Bcore Disc / Humo Items, 2006) www.dossingaround.com
4. "Summertime" (versión de intérprete desconocido
del clásico de 1935 de Abbie Mitchell)
5. Urban Castle Magic "Let it go", de "Le it go"
(La Crème Records, 2005) www.urbancastlemagic.com
6. Urban Castle Magic "A little story about my future home",
de "Le it go" (La Crème Records, 2005)
7. Urban Castle Magic "To Marla", de "Le it go"
(La Crème Records, 2005)
8. Urban Castle Magic "Stand by me", de "Demo"
9. Ya te digo "Velvet Hell", de "Kill switch"
(Astro Discos, 2005) www.ytdmusic.com
10. Second "Useless junk" (fragmento), de "Invisible"
(Dro Atlantic, 2006) www.second.es
11. Brain Failure "Summer afternoon", de "American
Dreamer" (Thorp Records, 2005) www.brainfailure.com
1. Zielone Zabki "Gazety", de
"Lekcja Historii" (Lou Rocked Boys / Rockers Publishing, 2003)
2. Go popitas "Uh Uhhh", de
"Demo" (2006) www.myspace.com/gopopitas
3. Peepshow "Killy y los hombres estrella", de
"Killy y los hombres estrella" (Lunar Discos, 2006)
4. The seventhate "Bolsters", de
"The Cooper Test" (Tell me a riddle / Swell Creek, 2005) www.myspace.com/theseventhate
5. Farmacia de Guardia "Cazadora de cuero", del
single "Cazadora de cuero" (Xirivella Records, 1980)
6. Tokyo Sex Destruction "One more sunday", de
"5th Avenue South" (Bcore Disc, 2005)
7. El Columpio Asesino "Lucas 44-48", de
"De mi sangre a tus cuchillas" (Astro Discos, 2006) www.elcolumpioasesino.com
8. Citizen 7 "I love you dead", de
"Demo" (2006)
9. Adiós Capitán "I want to be with you", de
"Demo" (2005)
10. Voz En Off 2.1. "Soñando al despertar", de
"Collage" (2005)
11. Von Ludol "You & Me" www.vonludol.com
12. Mescolanza "Canción del sexo", de
"Demo" (2006)
13. City Of Roses "L.A. Pop" (fragmento), de
"Demo" (2006)
14. Banned "The Hole" (fragmento), de
"Demo" (2005)
15. República Bohemia "Alicia" (fragmento), de
"De la tierra a la luna" (2005)
16. Bambino "La Pared"
1. Fenómenos
Extraños "Soy un grana sur" (Inédito)
2. Cinder "Hi top or low but never slow", de "Sneaking
out" (Cycle Records, 2006) www.barcelonahardcore.com
3. The Charades "Who wanna dance now", de "When
Shining Blue" (Corea Records, 2006) www.coreadiscos.com
4. Playmovil "Lady Mortimer", de "To Pekin"
(2006) www.playmovil.net
5. Kuraia "Infierno", de "Kuraia" (Metak,
2001) www.kuraia.com
6. Sibyl Vane "Yo disparó tú", de "Mermelada
de tomate" (Cydonia Records, 2004) www.sibylvanegirls.cjb.net
7. Quique González "Palomas en la quinta", de
"Kamikazes enamorados" (Varsovia Records, 2003) www.quiquegonzalez.com
8. The 6ths "You You You You You", de "Hyacinths
and Thistles" (Merge Records, 1999) www.houseoftomorrow.com
9. Ok Go "A million ways", de "Oh no" (Capitol,
2005) www.okgo.net
10. Klaus and kinski "Rocanrolear", de "Demo"
(2006) www.myspace.com/klausandkinski
11. Virtual "El fracaso de la vida", de "To split
or not to split" (w/Based on a lie, NBP) (TPZShit Recordings, 2002)
12. Stereophonics "Dakota", de"Language.Sex.Violence.Other?"
(V2, 2006) www.stereophonics.com
13. Refused "Liberation frequency", de "The shape
of punk to come" (Burning Heart Records, 1998) www.burningheart.com/refused
1. Fenómenos Extraños "Mi güertica murciana"
(Lynyrd Skynyrd cover),
de "Cansados de bailar bakalao" (Tres Lechugas, 1994)
2. The Queen Machine "Monday", de "VII" (Mulberry
Records, 2006) www.thequeenmachine.com
3. Tribute to nothing "Every word's a whisper", de "How
many times did we live?" (Lockjaw Records / Destiny Records, 2006)
4. El grupo antes conocido como S.E.S.O.S. "Sobaco tóxico",
de "Demo" (2006)
5. El grupo antes conocido como S.E.S.O.S. "Maxwell", de
"Demo" (2006)
6. El grupo antes conocido como S.E.S.O.S. "Rain", de
"Demo" (2006)
7. Los Coronas "Day tripper", de "Caliente Caliente"
(Tritone Records, 2004) www.loscoronas.com
1. Stare Dobre Malzenstwo "Jeste",
de"Miejska strona ksiezyca" (EMI Music Poland, 1998) www.sdm.art.pl
2. Niño y pistola "Anyway (that's ok)", de "...como
un maldito guisante" (Mulberry Records, 2006) www.ypistola.com
3. Xmilk "Still broken", de "Scarcity" (Bcore
Disc, 1998) www.myspace.com/xmilkbarcelona
4. Xmilk "Outside", de "Function" (Bcore Disc
/ Fragment Music, 1996)
5. San Ramone Lonely Hearts Club Band "Hot sky / Big red rocket
of love" (versiones de Reverend Horton Heat), de "Directo
en La Jam Evasion" (2005) www.crlmoffice.com
6. Los Crudos "Por el crudo", de "Por el crudo"
(La Creme Records, 2006) www.crudos.tk
7. 12twelve "Mr. Gesus", de "L'Univers" (Acuarela
Discos, 2006) www.12twelve.net
8. The Decemberists "A Cautionary Song", de "Castaways
and Cutouts" (Kill Rock Stars, 2003) www.decemberists.com
9. Alison Krauss & Union Station "Momma Cried", de
"New Favorite" (Rounder Records, 2001) www.alisonkrauss.com
10. Radiohead "Creep", de "Pablo Honey" (Capitol,
1993) www.radiohead.com
11. Radiohead "My iron lung", de "The bends"
(Capitol, 1995)
12. Radiohead "Let down", de "Ok computer" (Capitol,
13. Radiohead "In limbo", de "Kid A" (Capitol,
14. Talking Heads "Radio head", de "True stories"
(Sire Records, 1986) www.talking-heads.net
1. Sidney Polac "Chomiczowka"
2. Placebo "Space Monkey", de "Meds" (Virgin,
2006) www.placeboworld.co.uk
3. Galicia "Sin", de "Music Band From Ukraine"
4. Octubre "Cuando todo parecía perdido", de
"Cuando todo parecía perdido" (Rock Indiana, 2006) www.octubrenet.com
5. Octubre "Ludivine", de "Cuando todo parecía
perdido" (Rock Indiana, 2006)
6. Octubre "Déjame en paz", de "Cuando todo
parecía perdido" (Rock Indiana, 2006)
7. Octubre "Dime dime" (versión de American Breed, letra
de Los Angeles), de "Todo pasa y no volverá" (Bip
Bip Records, 2002)
8. Octubre "Lágrimas negras", de "Un sincero
homenaje" (Homenaje a Los Flechazos) (Bip Bip Records, 2000)
9. Octubre "Fácil, dices que es fácil", de
"Mi última y mejor oportunidad" (Bip Bip Records, 2001)
10. Los Brincos "El Pasaporte", de "Contrabando"
(BMG, 1968)
1. Minority "Anger" www.hard-core.pl
2. The Decemberists "A Cautionary Song", de
"Castaways and Cutouts" (Kill Rock Stars, 2003) www.decemberists.com
3. Maleek "El asqueroso", de
"Creajoven 2005" (Ayuntamiento de Murcia, 2005)
4. Wormparade "Superstar", de
"Creajoven 2005" (Ayuntamiento de Murcia, 2005)
5. Semilla Animal "War", de
"Escarnio" (La Creme Records, 2006) www.semilla-animal.com
6. Schwarz "Hipnohimno", de
"Arty Party" (Astro discos, 2004)
7. Schwarz "Raining stars", de
"Arty Party" (Astro discos, 2004)
8. Schwarz "Schwarz play christian rock", de
"Schwarz play christian rock" EP (Astro discos, 2002)
9. Schwarz "You and me and the vacuum", de
"Cheesy" (Astro discos, 2002)
10. Schwarz "The imposible dream", de
"Cheesy" (Astro discos, 2002)
11. Schwarz "Gasoline", de
"Cheesy" (Astro discos, 2002)
12. Manta Ray + Schwarz "Antenna", de
"Heptagono" (Astro discos CD / Sandwich Records LP, 2001)
13. Manta Ray "No tropieces", de
"Torres de electricidad" (Acuarela, 2006) www.mantaraysite.com
14. Manta Ray "Que niño soy", de
"Estratexa" (Acuarela, 2003)
15. Bunbury + Nacho Vegas "Gang Bang", de
"Freak show" (EMI, 2005) www.enriquebunbury.com
1. Second Chance "Declaration" www.hard-core.pl
2. Bright eyes "At the botton of everrything", de "I'm
wide awake, it's morning" (Saddle Creek, 2005)
3. Gas Drummers "Kids in my town", de "Standards
down" (Bcore Disc, 2005) www.gasdrummers.com
4. Coconot "Argentina 2 Pablo 0", de "Novo tropicalismo
errado" (Bcore Disc, 2006) www.myspace.com/coconot
5. The linn youki project "¿No eres tú a quien busco?",
de "#03" (Bcore Disc, 2006) www.thelinnyoukiproject.com
6. Manta Ray "Mi dios mentira", de "Torres de electricidad"
(Acuarela Discos, 2006) www.mantaraysite.com
7. Ramones "I just want to have something to do", de
"Road to ruin" (Sire, 1978) www.ramones.com
8. Astrud "Todo nos parece una mierda", de "Performance"
(Sinnamon Records, 2005) www.astrud.com
9. The Beat "Walking out on love", de "The beat"
(Columbia, 1979) www.paulcollinsbeat.com
10. The Nerves "Hanging on the telephone", de "The
Nerves ep" (The Nerves Records, 1976) www.paulcollinsbeat.com
11. Blondie "Hanging on the telephone" (The Nerves cover),
de "Parallel lines" (Chrysalis, 1978) www.blondie.net
12. Blondie "Sunday girl", de "Parallel lines"
(Chrysalis, 1978)
13. Los Romeos "El mundo a tus pies" (versión de Blondie),
de "Los Romeos" (Hispavox, 1990) www.popes80.com/grupos/LosRomeos.htm
14. Los Romeos "Muérdeme", de "Los Romeos"
(Hispavox, 1990)
15. Lula "California", de "Zapatos nuevos"
(Lucinda Records, 2006) www.lucindarecords.com
16. Blondie "X Offender", de "Blondie" (Chrysalis,
17. Blondie "Dreaming", de "Eat to the beat"
(Chrysalis, 1979)
18. Blondie "Call me", de "American Gigolo Soundtrack"
(Polydor, 1980)
19. Elvis Presley "Tutti frutti", de "Elvis Presley"
(RCA, 1956) www.elvis.com
HC Descargar
1. Crickbat "Para siempre", de "Split" (w/Handplant)
(Dias de juventud / In my heart empire, 2002) www.diasdejuventud.net
2. Fallen "Nunca más", de "Eight ways of
domination" (Dias de juventud / In my heart empire, 2003) www.diasdejuventud.net
3. Ictus "Un millón de dedos", de "Hambrientos
de un sol distinto" (A date with Elvis / Dias de juventud, 2005) www.diasdejuventud.net
4. La Perra de las Nieves "Bajo suelo balcánico", de
"Demo" (Mindless Mutant, 2005) www.mindlessmutant.com
5. Moho "Culebra", de "20 uñas" (Throne
Records / Shifty Records, 2004) www.thronerecords.net
6. No Children "¿Quién soy yo?", de "Reality"
(Electric Chair Music, 2004) www.nochildren.net
7. Payback "Ni un paso atrás", de "Es mi
vida" (NKDE, 2006) www.myspace.com/paybackxixon
8. Pulpita de Fruta "Mis dulces sueños" (Anticipo
de su split con Iron Batasuna) www.myspace.com/pulpitadefruta
9. The Eyes "Save us", de "Pursuing the missfortune"
(A date with Elvis, 2005) www.theeyesband.com
1. Belle & Sebastian "Funny Little Frog", de "The
Life Pursuit" (Rough Trade / Sinnamon Records, 2006) www.belleandsebastian.com
2. Delorean "Metropolitan death 4", de "The Metropolitan
Death EP & Remixes" (Bcore Disc, 2005) www.deloreanrock.com
3. Paul Collins "Helen", de "Flynig high"
(Lucinda Records, 2005) www.paulcollinsbeat.com
4. Alondra "Now I meet you", de "Creajoven 05"
(Ayuntamiento de Murcia, 2005) www.informajoven.org
5. Adiós capitán "Brand new gang", de
"Creajoven 05" (Ayuntamiento de Murcia, 2005)
6. Morticia y los decrépitos "Extraña invasión",
de "s/t" (Pakistan Rock 'n' Roll Crussade / KAK Records, 2005)
7. Belle & Sebastian "Expectations", de "Tigermilk"
(Electric Honey Records, 1996)
8. Belle & Sebastian "Get away from here, i'm dying", de
"If You're Feeling Sinister" (Jeepster Records, 1996)
9. Belle & Sebastian "Dirty Dream Number Two", de
"The Boy With The Arab Strap" (Jeepster Records, 1998)
10. Belle & Sebastian featuring Maisonettes "Legal man",
de "Legal Man" (Single) (Jeepster Records, 2000)
11. Belle & Sebastian "I foutgh in a war", de "Fold
Your Hands Child, You Walk Like A Peasant" (Jeepster Records, 2000)
12. Bob Dylan "Knockin' on heaven's door", de "BSO
Patt Garret & Billie the kid" (Columbia, 1973) www.bobdylan.com
13. Belle & Sebastian "Storytelling", de "Storytelling"
(Jeepster Records, 2002)
14. Belle & Sebastian "Asleep on a sunbean", de
"Dear Catastrophe Waitress" (Rough Trade / Sinnamon Records, 2003)
15. Belle & Sebastian "Piazza, New York Catcher", de
"Dear Catastrophe Waitress" (Rough Trade / Sinnamon Records, 2003)
16. The Smiths "Never Had No One Ever", de "The
Queen Is Death" (Warner Music, 1996) www.askmeaskmeaskme.com
HC Descargar
1. A cuchillo "Buenos
momentos", de Demo (2006) www.myspace.com/acuchillo
2. Gone with the pain "AM", de "Gone with the pain"
(Error Records / Astoria, 2006) www.gonewiththepain.tk
3. Holy Panda "Zarpas", de Demo (2006) www.myspace.com/thyholypanda
4. Lastrick "Desire rules", de "Smells like victory"
(Fragment Music, 2006) www.lastrick.com
5. Neila "Los días oscuros", de "Unclean"
(In my heart empire / La humanidad es la plaga, 2006) www.neila.tk
6. Okban "La lluvia no cesará", de "La lluvia
no cesará" (KTC Domestic, 2004) www.myspace.com/okbanspace
7. Oppugno "Vengaré con mi vida", de Demo (2005)
8. Sound of silence "Desespero", de "Split" (w/Legacy
of Cain) (Conviction Records, 2005) www.myspace.com/soundofsilencemetal
9. The Anger Manifesto "Catharsis", de "Demo"
(2005) www.myspace.com/theangermanifestohc
10. Truth Through Fight "For my friends", de "Sapere
Aude" (2005) www.myspace.com/truththroughfight
1. Mlynek Kawowy
"Mlynek piosenka ma elektro"
2. Raúl Frutos "Te jodes, me he muerto", de
"Creajoven 05" (Ayuntamiento de Murcia, 2005)
3. Noise Box "Chestcrack song", de
"Chaos, sweet chaos" (2003) www.noise-box.com
4. Yann Tiersen "Monochrome", de "C'etait ici"
(EMI France, 2002) www.yanntiersen.com
5. Sidonie "Fascinado", de "Fascinado" (Sony
BMG, 2005) www.sidonie.net
6. Shake Before Use "Curtains", de "Utopiology"
(Fragment Music, 2005) www.shakebeforeuse.net
7. Airbag "Cubo de Rubik", de "¿Quién
mató a Airbag?" (Wild Punk Records, 2005) www.airbag.tk
8. Meu "Dude", de "What's up!" (Rock on! Music,
2005) www.meu.es
9. The Zombies "She's not there", de "Begin here"
10. Polar "Tomorrow", de "Comes with a smile"
(Jabalina Música, 2004) www.polartheband.com
11. Franz Ferdinand "The fallen", de "You could
have it so much better" (Sony, 2005) www.franzferdinand.co.uk
12. The Zutons "Havana gang brawl", de "Who killed
the zutons?" (Sony, 2004) www.thezutons.co.uk
13. Razorlight "Rock 'n' roll lies", de "Up all
night" (Universal, 2004) www.razorlight.co.uk
14. Regulations "Anna's eyes", de "s/t" (Havoc,
2005) www.havocrex.com
HC Descargar
1. 8th of september
"My own phobia", de "Dead people only" (Dead
Wrong Records, 2006) www.deadwrongrecords.com
2. Anal Hard "Dentro fuera", de "5 años
de duro anal" (Ankla Crew, 2006) www.analhard.tk
3. Cordura "Perdón", de "s/t" (Fragment
Music, 2003) www.cordura.tk
4. Inside Me "Innocents revenge", de "lmnt01:air"
(split w/ J'N & Roll the Dice) (Wanted Recordings, 2004) www.insidemehc.com
5. Kissin' cousins "Deepest asshole you've ever met",
de "Demo" (2004) www.kissincousinsbcn.tk
6. Moloko Plus "Happy day for you", de "Make my
day" (TPZShit Recordings, 2005) www.tpzshitrecordings.cjb.net
7. Nunnery "Friends", de "Friends at work"
CD (Lengua Armada / TPZShit Recordings, 2005) www.nunnery.biz
8. Take it back "A salvo", de "Demo" (2004)
9. The Awake "Alive and awake", de "Demo"
(2005) www.myspace.com/theawake
10. Über "I will go by bike", de "Demo"
(Urgh distro / Oscura Sonrisa, 2006) www.tothetoilet.tk
11. Undefeated "Try hard", de "s/t" (Eating
Shit Records, 2005) www.undefeated.tk
1. Lilith "Tesknota", de "Live one" (Demo, 2003)
2. Johnny Cash "Man in black", de "Man in black"
(Columbia Records, 1971) www.johnnycash.com
3. Remate "Farewell", de "Ballads don't change
things" (Limbo Starr, 2004) www.limbostarr.com/remate.html
4. Urban Castle Magic "Mustapha", de "Let it go"
(La Creme Records, 2005) www.urbancastlemagic.com
5. Kissin' Cousins "Deepest asshole you've ever met", de
"Demo" (2004) www.kissincousinsbcn.tk
6. Inevitable "Dar", de "Demo" (2005)
7. Depeche Mode "Precious", de "Playing the angel"
(Mute, 2005) www.depechemode.com
8. Salako "Seasons", de "The story of our live
so far" (Tablature Records, 2004) www.salako.net
9. Françoise Hardy "Un air de guitare", de "Tant
de belles coses" (Virgin, 2004) www.francoise-hardy.com
10. Cromosoma 3 "Nuestro amor", de "Split"
(w/Tango Luger) (Pakistan Rock'n'roll Crussade, 2005) www.cromosoma3.tk
11. The Velvet Underground & Nico "Run run run", de
"Andy Warhol" (Verve, 1967) www.velvetunderground.com
12. The Velvet Underground & Nico "Femme Fatale", de
"Andy Warhol" (Verve, 1967)
13. The Velvet Underground "After hours", de "The
Velvet Underground" (MGM, 1969)
14. The Velvet Underground "Sweet Jane", de "Loaded"
(Cotillion / Atlantic, 1970)
15. Lou Reed & John Cale "Images", de "Songs
for drella" (Sire, 1990)
16. John Lennon "Imagine", de "Imagine" (Apple
/ EMI, 1971) www.john-lennon.com
HC Descargar
1. Another Kind of Death "Orchid", de "No signal"
(Conviction Records / Red Cobalt Industries, 2005) www.myspace.com/anotherkindofdeath
2. Bikini Summer "La diada", de "s/t" (Death
Wish Team, 2005) www.deathwishteam.cjb.net
3. Caza de Brujas "Obligado a olvidar", de "Demo"
(2005) www.myspace.com/cazadebrujas
4. Drama "No More Victims", de "Demo" (2005)
5. El Eje del Mal "Pistola de Juguete", de "4 way
split" (Gaffer Records, 2005) www.el-eje.cjb.net
6. ETC "Otra vez", de "Demo" (2005) http://personal.auna.com/etc
7. Horror "Horror", de "Horror" 7" (Mindless
Mutant / Oscura Sonrisa, 2005) www.mindlessmutant.com
8. Once upon a time "No dogma no faith", de "Virtual
Reality" (2005) www.myspace.com/onceuponatimehxc
9. Pollution "Evolución", de "Rompiendo
el silencio" (Sell Our Souls, 2005) www.pollutionhxc.com
10. Proud'z "Tus propios demonios", de "Pura vida
EP" (Potencial Hardcore, 2005) www.proudz.com
11. The Black Panthys Party "Irak Horror", de "Punk
will demostrate how stupid and motherfucker the black punkies party or jeringa
are tomorrow at ten o'clock" (TPZShit Recordings, 2003) www.theblackpanthysparty.es.vg
1. Rancid "Warsaw", de "Life won't wait" (Epitaph,
1998) www.rancidrancid.com
2. Jigsaw Band "Raindrops", de "3" (Arindelle
Records, 2005) www.jigsawband.com
3. Bloomington "Madrid Rock", de "Activando la
disidencia" (Aloud Music, 2006) www.bloomingtonrock.com
4. Pakistan Ye-ye's "Homenatge a una gran banda", de
"En tot el que s'ha posat de moda, nosaltres ja hi varem fracassar
els primers" (Carnus Records, 2006) www.afganistanyeyes.tk
5. Aaron Saez "Cantautores de mierda", de "Cantautores
de mierda" (Laboratorio 8 / Batiendo Records, 2006) www.aaronsaez.com
6. Semilla Animal "Kalla", de "Escarnio" (2006)
7. Dei Suoni "Alex has got a white dress", de "The
trembling hands of a trembling man" (2005) www.deisuoni.tk
8. Pakistan Ye-ye's "Tiet Aleix", de "En tot el
que s'ha posat de moda, nosaltres ja hi varem fracassar els primers"
(Carnus Records, 2006)
9. In the ears of children "Traje azul italiano de mierda (donde
vas drum 'n' bass?)", de Demo (2003) www.crlmoffice.com
10. Anticonceptivas "Automática" (2004) www.myspace.com/anticonceptivas
11. Pakistan Ye-ye's "Hip hop", de "En tot el que
s'ha posat de moda, nosaltres ja hi varem fracassar els primers" (Carnus
Records, 2006)
12. Anticonceptivas "Cutres" (2005)
13. Cromosoma 3 "El retrato", de "Split" (w/Tango
Luger) (Pakistan R'n'r Crussade, 2005) www.cromosoma3.tk
14. Gorilla Angreb "Motorsavsmasahahakren", de "Split"
(w/Lokum) (Hjernespind, 2005) www.myspace.com/gorillaangreb
15. Le Search "Elliptic", de "Envelope" (Error
Records, 2005) www.error-records.com
16. Pakistan Ye-ye's "Ding! Dong!", de "En tot
el que s'ha posat de moda, nosaltres ja hi varem fracassar els primers"
(Carnus Records, 2006)
17. Art school "This city", de "Eleven days at
T street" (Rock on! Music, 2003) www.rockonmusic.net
18. Pakistan Ye-ye's "Mingu Cacauet, rapsoda posibilista, prova
sort en la poesia castellana", de "En tot el que s'ha posat
de moda, nosaltres ja hi varem fracassar els primers" (Carnus Records,
19. The Jam "Art School", de "In the city"
(Polydor, 1977) www.thejam.org
20. The Jam "David Watts" (The Kinks cover), de "All
mod cons" (Polydor, 1978)
21. Pakistan Ye-ye's "London Galling", de "En tot
el que s'ha posat de moda, nosaltres ja hi varem fracassar els primers"
(Carnus Records, 2006)
22. The Jam "Eton Rifles", de "Setting sons"
(Polydor, 1979)
23. The Jam "Going Underground", de "Going Underground"
(single) (Polydor, 1980)
24. The Jam "Town called Malice", de "The Gift"
(Polydor, 1982)
HC Descargar
1. Afganistan Ye-ye's "Ni cantu ni lloru", de "Split"
(w/The Rehamasters) 10" (Brain Infection, 2005) www.afganistanyeyes.tk
2. Cinder "Hasta el final", de "Breaking the ice"
7" (Sell Our Souls, 2005) www.cinderkids.tk
3. E.honda "Es tot mentida", de "Demo" (Urgh
Distro, 2005) www.myspace.com/ehondabatidorahc
4. For some reason "Where is your god no", de "Last
tears" (Fragment Music, 2005) www.forsomereason.com
5. Fuerza de Lucha "Amistad", de "s/t" 7"
(Sell Our Souls, 2004) www.fuerzadelucha.tk
6. Holocaust in your head "Pidiendo justicia", de "s/t"
12" (Trabuc Records / 3 Kick Records, 2005) www.hiyhead.galeon.com
7. Hzero "Insano", de "Split" (w/Discarga)
7" (Mindless Mutant, 2005) www.mindlessmutant.com
8. Ketchoop "Rocking", de "Stay Robin Hood"
(TPZShit Recordings / Fragment Music, 2005) www.tpzshitrecordings.cjb.net
9. Out come the wolves "Meat still murder", de "Demo
MMV" (2005) www.myspace.com/xoutcomethewolvesx
10. Pequeña Oruga Mecánica "Algo que falla"
(2005) www.myspace.com/orugamecanica
11. Releasing Hate "Will never die", de "Don't
forget dreams" (Sell Our Souls / Practico!, 2006) www.releasinghate.com
12. Take the risk "No solution", de "Demo"
(2005) www.myspace.com/takexthexrisk
13. The Seventhate "Bolsters", de "The Cooper Test"
(Tell me a riddle, 2006) www.myspace.com/theseventhate
14. Wireless Humans "Losing a life", de "Demo"
(2005) www.myspace.com/wirelesshumans
1. Lisabö "Ardoa eta odola III (desioaren aztarna)",
de Izkiriaturik aurkitu ditudan gurak" (Metak, 2005) www.musikametak.com
2. Fucked Up "Color & Removal", de "Litany"
7" (Test Patter Records, 2003) www.derangedrecords.com
3. Second "Invisible", de "Invisible" (Second,
2005) www.second.es
4. Second "Fortune day", de "Invisible" (Second,
5. Second "Erased world", de "Invisible" (Second,
6. Second "Nada te dirige", de "Invisible"
(Second, 2005)
7. Second "Segunda vez", de "Segunda vez"
(Pulpo Negro, 2004)
8. Second "Star glasses", de "Pose" (Pulpo
Negro, 2003)
9. Second "Accident", de "Pose" (Pulpo Negro,
10. Second "Watching the moon", de "Private life"
(Second, 2000)
1. Manaan feat. Kora
"Cykady na cykladach"
2. Hell demonio "Metal maximizer", de "Greatest
hits" (Robot Radio Records/Wallace Records, 2005) www.helldemonio.com
3. Rosolina Mar "Mongozo di mongozo", de "Before
and after dinner" (Robot Radio Records/Wallace Records, 2006) www.rosolinamar.com
4. Redworms' farm "Yeah, yeah everything", de "Amazing"
(Fooltribe / Halleynation, 2005) www.halleynation.com
5. Colectivo "Tema 2", de "First production"
6. Cinder "De esta agua no beberé", de "Two
years of ripoffs and circle pits" (Selloursouls, 2005) www.selloursouls.com
7. Releasing Hate "Red tears, black sunshinning", de
"Don't forget dreams" (Selloursouls/Practico!, 2006) www.releasinghate.com
8. Noise Box "Now that we don't kiss anymore", de "Chaos,
sweet chaos" (2003) www.noise-box.com
9. ¡Rumor! "No me conoces", de "¡Rumor!
(Rock Indiana, 2005) www.rumorologia.blogspot.com
10. Marlango "Shake the moon", de "Automatic imperfection"
(Subterfuge, 2005) www.marlango.net
11. Playmovil "It's time for dinner", de "So quiet"
(Perdición, 2005) www.playmovil.net
12. Duplex "Un maratón en 9 segundos", de "Fiestas
privadas" (Perdición, 2005) www.duplexsite.com
13. The Soundtrack of our lives "Believe I've found", de
"Origin vol. 1" (Warner / Telegram, 2004) www.tsool.net
14. Nosoträsh "Tan sólo por los besos", de
"Popemas" (Elefant, 2002) www.nosotrash.es
15. Yo la tengo " Speeding Motorcycle", de "Genius+Love=Yo
La Tengo" (Matador Records, 1996) www.yolatengo.com
16. Yo la tengo "The River Of Wather", de "The
River Of Wather" (single) (Egon Records, 1985) www.yolatengo.com
17. Yo la tengo "Tom Courtenay", de "Electr-o-Pura"
(Matador Records, 1995) www.yolatengo.com
18. Yo la tengo "Bad Politics", de "A Smatering
Of Outtakes And Parities 1986-2002" (Matador Records, 2005) www.yolatengo.com
19. Yo la tengo "Our way to fall", de "And Then
Nothing Turned Itself Inside-Out" (Matador Records, 2000) www.yolatengo.com
1. Welcome Idiots
"Killer", de "Idiots in Split" (Welcome Idiots
Productions, 2001)
2. Second "Invisible", de "Invisible" (Second,
2005) www.secondmusic.com
3. Two dead cats "Two dead cats", de "s/t"
(Death Wish Team, 2005) www.deathwishteam.cjb.net
4. Diego Cantero "Un par de buenos sueños", de
"Toma" (Mandarina Records, 2005) www.diegocantero.com
5. The Strokes "Juicebox", de "First Impressions
of Earth" (Sony BMG, 2006) www.thestrokes.com
6. Las Perras del Infierno "Somos las perras", de "Intuición
canina" (Subterfuge, 2005) www.lasperrasdelinfierno.com
7. Yer Soul "Don't take my face", de "Demo"
8. Niños Mutantes "Bárbara", de "Canciones
para el primer día en la tierra" (Astro Discos, 2005) www.nmutantes.com
9. Sapiens "Forward", de "Piensa" (Astro Discos,
2005) www.sapiensmusic.com
10. Inkeys "Find my way", de "It's a reaction"
(2005) www.crlmoffice.com
11. Humbert Humbert "Sell out", de "Short Panic"
(Subterfuge, 2005) http://perso.wanadoo.es/ljmenendez
12. Interpol "Obstacle 1", de "Turn on the bright
lights" (Control/BMI, 2002) www.interpolnyc.com
13. The Clash "Janie Jones", de "The Clash"
(Sony Music, 1977) www.theclashonline.com
14. The Police "So lonely", de "Outlandos d'Amour"
(A&M Records, 1978) www.sting.com
15. The Velvet Underground & Nico "Sunday Morning",
de "Andy Warhol" (Verve, 1967) www.velvetunderground.com
16. The Jam "Down in the tube station at midnight", de
"All mod cons" (Polydor, 1978) www.thejam.org
1. Krzysztof Krawczyk "Hej w dzien narodzenia", de "
Koledy i piosenki swiateczne" (Omega, 1995)
2. Voodoo Glow Skulls "Feliz Navidad", de "El Baile
de los Locos" (Epitaph Records, 1997) www.voodooglowskulls.com
3. Jimmy Eat World "Last Christmas" (Wham cover), de
"Last Christmas/Firestarter" 7" (Better Looking Records,
2001) www.jimmyeatworld.com
4. Ramones "Merry Christmas (I don't want to fight tonight),
de "Brain drain" (Chrysalis, 1989) www.ramones.com
5. Violent Femmes "Kiss off", de "Violent femmes"
(Slash Records, 1982) www.vfemmes.com
6. Colectivo "La mia tigre di plastica", de "First
Production" (Demo, 2005)
7. Yann Tiersen "Les jours tristes", de "L'Absente"
(Virgin Records, 2001) www.yanntiersen.com
8. Gigatron "Espiz metal", de "Mar de cuernos"
(Dynamo Records, 2005) www.gigatron.biz
9. Gigatron "Mi hacha hizo tu culo", de "Mar de
cuernos" (Dynamo Records, 2005) www.gigatron.biz
10. Motociclón "Crapulismo", de "Somos del
rock" 7" (Producciones esporádicas, 2005)
11. Los Acusicas "Es Navidad", de "Ha sido este"
(Discos Hormigonera, 2004)
12. Los Nikis "Navidades en Siberia", de "El imperio
contraataca" Cara B Single (Dro / 3 Cipreses, 1985) www.losnikis.com
13. La Terremoto de Alcorcón "Times Goes By con Loli"
(Madonna cover)
14. Los Nikis "El imperio contraataca", de "Marines
a pleno sol" (Dro / 3 Cipreses, 1986) www.losnikis.com
15. Los Nikis "Fiesta medieval", de "La Hormigonera
Asesina" (Dro / 3 Cipreses, 1989) www.losnikis.com
16. Los Nikis "Maldito cumpleaños", de "Submarines
a pleno sol" (Dro / 3 Cipreses, 1987) www.losnikis.com
17. Los Nikis "Por el interés te quiero Andrés",
de "La Hormigonera Asesina" (Dro / 3 Cipreses, 1989) www.losnikis.com
18. Los Nikis "Ernesto", de "La amenaza amarilla"
EP (Tic Tac / Lollipop, 1981) www.losnikis.com
19. Los Nikis "Olaf el vikingo", de "Olaf el vikingo"
EP (Dro / 3 Cipreses, 1985) www.losnikis.com
20. Gigatrón "Mazinger metal", de "Mar de
cuernos" (Dynamo Records, 2005) www.gigatron.biz
1. The Dumbs "Swallow my pride" (Ramones cover) www.dumbs.band.pl
2. The Dumbs "Havanna affair" (Polish version) (Ramones cover)
- fragmento www.dumbs.band.pl
3. Duplex "Ilusiones ópticas", de "Fiestas
privadas" (Perdición, 2005) www.duplexsite.com
4. Iván Ferreiro "Turnedo", de "Canciones
para el tiempo y la distancia" (Warner Music, 2005) www.ivanferreiro.com
5. Proud'z "Tus propios demonios", de "Pura vida
EP" (Potencial Hardcore, 2005) www.proudz.com
6. Black Chicken "Daddy's girl", de un directo (2005)
7. Black Chicken "H8 school", de un directo (2005)
8. Cherry and the clouds "Hallucino spread", de "Animales
ingrávidos razonando al borde de la hipnosis" (Demo 2003)
9. Inevitable "Nicho", de "Demo" (2005)
10. San Ramone Lonely Hearts Club Band "I wanna be sedated"
(Ramones cover), de "Directo en La Jam Evasion" (2005)
11. San Ramone Lonely Hearts Club Band "Vibrator" (Motörhead
cover), de "Directo en La Jam Evasion" (2005) www.crlmoffice.com
12. Transilravnia "Fuck me", de "Demo" (2005)
13. Ramones "Pinhead", de "Leave home" (Sire
Records, 1977) www.ramones.com
14. Ramones "Blitzkrieg bop", de "Ramones"
(Sire Records, 1976) www.ramones.com
15. Dee Dee King "Funkyman", de "Funkyman"
(Single 12") (Rock Hotel Records, 1987) www.ramones.com
16. Joey Ramone "Stop thinking about it", de "Don't
worry about me" (Sanctuary, 2002) www.joeyramone.com
17. Ramones "The KKK took my baby away", de "Pleasant
dreams" (Sire Records, 1981) www.ramones.com
1. Swing
Kids "Warsaw" (Joy Division cover), de "s/t"
(Three One G, 1995) www.threeoneg.com
2. Anari "Aingura hegodunak", de "Zebra" (Metak,
2005) www.musikametak.com
3. Violent Breakfast "The scares of tomorrow", de "4
way split" (w/ El Eje del Mal, Socrates, Shooting Victor Francis) (Gaffer
Records, 2005) www.gafferrecords.com
4. El eje del mal "Pistola de juguete", de "4 way
split" (w/ Socrates, Shooting Victor Francis, Violent Breakfast) (Gaffer
Records, 2005) www.el-eje.cjb.net
5. The Assbreakers "Milk for everybody", de "e.p."
(2005) www.musicamp3.com/0121670/The_assbreakers/
6. Afganistan Ye-ye's "Wire", Tema inédito incluido
en el recopilatorio de The Piohosa's zine nº 14 (2005) www.afganistanyeyes.tk
7. Budellam "El pa de cada día", de "Nascuts
per ser carn d'olla (Macaco Records, 1991) www.avui.es/avui/rc/04/oct/13/ie/8g.htm
8. Beezewax "Dying to hit that note", de "South
of Boredom" (PopKid, 1999 / Underhill Records, 2005) www.beezewax.com
9. Lapso "El día que despierte", de "El
dia que despierte" - Adelanto - (Autoproducido, 2006) www.lapso.es
10. Malatesta's "The secret son of Al Pacino", de "s/t"
(Onda Nave, 2005) www.crlmoffice.com
11. Juliette & The Licks "You're speaking my language",
de "You're speaking my language" (Fiddler Records, 2005)
1. Maciej Malenczuk
"Sako rati", de "Proste historie" (Live) (Polskie
Radio, 2005)
2. The Faint "Glass danse", de "Danse Macabre"
(Saddle Creek, 2001) www.thefaint.com
3. The Technoillogical Myopia "War", de "Magma
ep" (Xana Records, 2005) www.thetechnoillogicalmyopia.com
4. Echo & the bunnymen "In the margins", de "Siberia"
(Cooking Vinyl, 2005) www.bunnymen.com
5. Schwarz "No dark things" (Echo & The Bunnymen cover),
de "Play the game. Un tributo a Echo & The Bunnymen" (Lunar
Discos, 2005) www.lunardiscos.com
6. Schwarz "Hipnohimno", de "Arty Party" (Astro
Discos, 2005) www.schwrz.com
7. Rumor "Toda la noche", de "Rumor"
(Rock Indiana, 2005) www.rumorologia.blogspot.com
8. Orlando "Heart of glow", de "Songs before sunrise"
(Astro Discos, 2005) www.grandsilence.com
9. Soul Coughing "Is Chicago? Is not Chicago?", de "Ruby
Vroom" (Slash / London Records, 1994) www.scug.net
10. Experience "Is Chicago? Is not Chicago?" (Soul Coughing
cover), de "Positive karaoke with a gun" (EXP Records,
2005) www.experiencenet.net
11. Lost Sounds "I sit I watch I wait", de "s/t"
(In the red Records, 2004) www.lostsounds.net
12. Noir Desire "Tostaky (Le continent)", de "Tostaky"
(Barclay, 1993) www.noirdez.com
13. The Faint "Agenda Suicide", de "Danse Macabre"
(Saddle Creek, 2001) www.thefaint.com
14. Jacques Brel "Les Bonbons", de "Quinze Ans
D'Amour" (Best of / Recopilatorio) (Musicrama Records, 1997) www.jacquesbrel.be
1. Franco Battiato
"Radio Varsavia", de "L'arca di Noe" (Emi, 1982)
2. Arkanoid "Ronnie (James Dio)", de "Get yourself
influenced" (Underhill Records, 2005) www.arkanoidmusic.com
3. Urban Castle Magic "Crash!", de "Le it go"
(La Crème Records, 2005) www.urbancastlemagic.com
4. Yer Soul "Cancer moon", de "Demo" (2003)
5. F.A.N.T.A. "Bruce Lee", de "Nada volverá
a ser como antes" (Discos de top, 2005) www.lamorguedefanta.tk
6. Zoo "Música del descontento", de "Zoo"
(La Incubadora, 2005) www.musicadeldescontento.com
7. Josele Santiago "Feliz Big Bang", de "Las golondrinas
etcétera" (Virgin, 2004) www.joseleweb.com
8. Niños Mutantes "Capitán cobarde", de
"Canciones para el último día en la tierra" (Astro
Discos, 2005) www.nmutantes.com
9. Hello Cuca "Hay una fiesta", de "Gran sur"
(Rompepistas, 2004) www.rompepistas.com
10. Cherry and the clouds "Mr. Weapon", de "Animales
ingravidos..." (Demo, 2004) www.crlmoffice.com
11. Kratfwerk "Das Modell", de "Die mensch-maschine"
(Emi, 1978) www.kraftwerk.com
12. Foo Fighters "DOA", de "In your honor"
(RCA, 2005) www.foofighters.com
13. Nirvana "Breed", de "Nevermind" (Geffen,
1991) www.nirvanaclub.com
14. Queens of the stone age "Hanging tree", de "Songs
for the deaf" (RCA, 2002) www.qotsa.com
15. Probot "Shake your blood" (w/ Lemmy, Motörhead), de
"Probot" (Southern Lord Records, 2004) www.probotmusic.com
1. Lali Puna "Past
de "I thought I was over that: Rare, Remixed and B-sides" (Morr
Music, 2005) www.lalipuna.com
2. Sapiens "Real de 14", de "Piensa" (Astro
Discos, 2005) www.astrodiscos.com
3. Raydibaum "Galactic breadbear", de "The biggest
box" (Aloud Music, 2005) www.raydibaum.com
4. Experience "La Révolution Ne Sera Pas Télevisée"
(Gil Scott-Heron cover), de "Positive Karaoke with a gun"
(Exp Records, 2005) www.experiencenet.net
5. The Unfinished Sympathy "The loveless curse", de
"Rock for food" (Bcore Disc, 2004) www.bcoredisc.com
6. Nacho Vegas "Nuevo planes, idénticas estrategias",
de "Desaparezca aquí" (Limbo Starr, 2005) www.limbostarr.com/nachovegas.html
7. La habitación roja "La soledad del corredor de fondo",
de "4" (Grabaciones en el mar, 2003) www.lahabitacionroja.com
8. Perro Pachingo "Guns of Brixton" (The Clash cover), de
"Perro Pachingo contra les momies mutants de la Generalitat" (Demo,
9. It's not not "Sailing the night", de "No time
for jokes" (Bcore Disc, 2005) www.itsnotnot.tk
10. Sonic Youth "My friend Goo", de "Goo"
(Geffen, 1990) www.sonicyouth.com
11. The Cure "Lullaby", de "Disintegration"
(Fiction Records, 1989) www.thecure.com
12. The Cure "Boys don't cry", de "Boys don't cry"
(Fiction Records, 1980) www.thecure.com
13. The Clash "I'm not down", de "Londong Calling"
(Epic, 1979) www.theclashonline.com
14. The Clash "Spanish Bombs", de "Londong Calling"
(Epic, 1979) www.theclashonline.com
15. The Clash "Brand new cadillac", de "Londong
Calling" (Epic, 1979) www.theclashonline.com
16. The Clash "Train in vain", de "Londong Calling"
(Epic, 1979) www.theclashonline.com
1. Joy Division "Warsaw",
de "An ideal for living" EP (Factory Records, 1978) www.iancurtis.org
2. Mendetz "The Boola Shines in a Pink Neon Room", de
"Demo '05" (2005) www.mendetz.tk
3. Sorkun "Atmósfera", de "Duna" CD
(Metak, 2005) www.sorkun.org
4. Malatesta's "Funk suicide", de "s/t" CD
EP (Onda Nave, 2005) www.crlmoffice.com
5. Nunnery "Narcolepsy", de "Friends at work"
CD (Lengua Armada / TPZShit Recordings, 2005) www.nunnery.biz
6. The Evens "Mt. Pleasant isn't", de "s/t"
CD (Dischord, 2005) www.dischord.com
------------------------------------- Agenda de conciertos -----------------------------------------
7. Nueva Vulcano "Solamente un fuego", de "Juego
entrópico" CD (Bcore Disc, 2005) www.bcoredisc.com
8. Maga "Un lugar encendido", de "s/t" CD
(Limbo Starr, 2004) www.limbostarr.com/maga.html
9. Airbag "Roswell 1947", de "¿Quién
mató a Airbag?" CD (Wild Punk Records, 2005) www.airbag.tk
10. Airbag "Territorio dagger", de "¿Quién
mató a Airbag?"CD (Wild Punk Records, 2005) www.airbag.tk
11. Noise Box "Play for today", de "Canciones de
los chicos imaginarios (Tributo a los Cure) 2xCD (El Diablo, 2005)
12. Kula Shaker "Hush", Single CD (Sony Music, 1997)
13. Kula Shaker "Mystical Machine Gun", de "Peasant,
pigs & astronauts" CD (Sony Music, 1999) www.kulashaker.co.uk
14. The Jeevas "Virginia", de "1, 2, 3, 4!"
CD (Setanta, 2002) www.thejeevas.com